Isaruit Inuit Arts: A Home Away from Home and Workspace for Inuit Artists and Creators

Isaruit Inuit Arts Centre, a home away from home for Inuit creators, operates out of rented workshop space at the Rideau Rockcliffe Hub, in Vanier, Ottawa. A workshop space and a sewing centre provide place, materials, equipment and cultural grounding for the 6000+ Inuit who live in Ottawa, many of whom are gifted artists and creators, to create items and to work together in an Inuit way. Formal consultations, sharing of Inuit traditional foods, informal conversations and in depth discussions in Inuktitut take place daily.

Isaruit is open and welcoming to the community from 11 – 5 pm Monday to Friday. Traditional patterns and designs of tools and clothing are collected, developed and used. Isaruit has an Inuit Board of Directors and staff.