Carolyn Phillips was born into a loving family in Ottawa in 1948. Her father was a navy officer and her mother managed the household. Their family moved around various parts of Canada based on where Carolyn’s father was stationed.

As a child with down syndrome, she found it difficult to communicate at times, but was loving, kind, and gentle like an angel. Her mother said Carolyn had a lot of inner intelligence and intuition.

Carolyn passed away at the age of 12, and is now resting in a cemetery in Smith Falls, Ontario. Her life was short on this earth, but her precious soul lives on with unique meaning, expressed through the Carolyn Philips Fund and the good causes it supports.  She will also live on in the fond memories treasured by her family.

The Carolyn Phillips Fund is dedicated to helping charities that offer support and relief to individuals living with down syndrome and their families.