In 2020, staying apart kept us safe. Looking ahead, the path to recovery will happen together.

When I look back on 2020 and the ongoing pandemic, it’s hard not to think about my family, my friends – all those in my life touched by an unforgiving, all-encompassing force. My experience is not unique and far from the worst. I did not worry about making rent or having food on the table like many still do. But a common through line in all our stories is one of loneliness, of isolation. Losing a loved one is difficult; not being able to say goodbye is unbearable. History will try to define this moment in many ways. The most important lesson might be realizing we can’t make it through alone.

That’s true in our sector too. In a recent interview with CAPITAL Magazine, I talked about shifting philanthropy’s role to the forefront. I said that no single organization or sector has all the resources or ideas to lead the recovery. What makes it possible is when many of us, across sectors, work together.

I know this will be one of several year-end messages you’ll receive this month. I’m writing because I needed to share what I witnessed this year: the strength of groups joining forces to lift up communities. Most important, I want to carry this spirit into the year ahead and resist a return to the past. We must build a brighter future together.

In my updates throughout this exceptional year, I’ve talked about the foundation’s response. But beyond the numbers and figures, there are the faces behind the efforts we supported.

I want to first thank all the front-line agencies and volunteers that faced overwhelming challenges. They adapted and, in many cases, expanded their services. I also want to acknowledge my team and our amazing donors and partners. The response continues, and the challenges are still mounting. But there is reason for hope.

What am I most excited about? It’s things that cut to the core of what city-building is. They transcend a singular event like the pandemic but are integral in a meaningful recovery.

  • We’re addressing the housing crisis and loss of affordable rental units by developing a scalable housing acquisition fund with partners across sectors.
  • We’re supporting a movement in Ottawa to set up Community Benefits Agreements, including one for the redevelopment at Lebreton Flats. CBAs are binding agreements between developers and the community to ensure social, environmental, and economic goals are met when new infrastructure and building projects are being established. I believe CBAs can become the norm in our city.
  • We’re launching the Ottawa Climate Action Fund to accelerate Ottawa’s transition to an equitable, low-carbon future. We will be reducing carbon while strengthening our communities.
  • We’re taking our Social Enterprise Platform to the next level. Our ongoing efforts to rally around Vanier’s Community Laundry Co-Op underlines our belief in social enterprise to play a vital role in the sustainability of the sector. Imagine a network of community-led laundry co-ops in neighborhoods across the city offering essential services.

The vision and commitment of our board and committee members makes this city-building possible. Susan St. Amand is concluding her term as Chair this year. I want to thank her and outgoing board members Paul Sibue and Rob Ashe for their leadership. Next year, I’m thrilled to continue our work with incoming Chair Carol Devenny and welcome new members Cynthia Harrison, Julie Champagne, and Jeffrey York.

This year proved to me what was possible with philanthropy at the lead. The Ottawa Community Foundation has been committed to making the city a better place for more than 30 years. Compared to just a decade ago, I’m amazed and humbled by where we are today.

But we are still learning. This year saw centuries of systemic inequality and racial injustice come to a head. We are not immune and must take an honest, critical look at how we operate and uncover biases that may have contributed to systemic racism.

My personal faith was tested this year but witnessing how we came together only deepened it. I want to extend a Merry Christmas to all who are celebrating this year. I want to wish everyone the best, however you celebrate. I hope you can connect with loved ones safely through this holiday season.

If this message resonated with you, please share it with friends, family, and colleagues. I intend to lend my voice and ideas to more in the year ahead. I invite you to join us in walking this path together.

Marco Pagani
President & CEO