The following is an excerpt from a partner article published in the Ottawa Business Journal that highlights the benefits for entrepreneurs and other professionals to work with the foundation for charitable giving.

When Ravinder Tumber came to Ottawa, he had $40 in his pocket. Today, he’s the owner and president of Host India, a restaurant with two thriving locations in the city.

“Wherever I am today, it’s all due to the support of the community,” Tumber says. “Now that the business is established, I thought [I] should start giving back to the community.”

But it’s easier said than done — as a busy entrepreneur, Tumber struggled to keep on top of his donations. “I’m approached on a day-to-day basis [by] church groups, sports organizations, hospitals, community groups,” Tumber says.

And it doesn’t end there: even when he donated, Tumber would find himself swimming in admin tasks, managing more paperwork, and chasing down tax receipts.

Then, Tumber’s daughter told him about the Ottawa Community Foundation (OCF): a public, charitable organization created by and for the people of Ottawa. After the first meeting with the OCF, he quickly set up the Tumber Family Fund.

Read the rest of the article.